Dept L: Mules and Donkeys

Superintendent: Richard Gruenes 320-309-1408
Arrival time: Saturday at 8:00 a.m. registration.
Show begins Saturday at 9:00 a.m.
Entry Fee: $4 per entry

Pee Wee classes are riders 10 years and under- no entry fee and no premiums paid out
Junior classes are riders 11-17 years, senior classes are riders 18 years and older

Premiums: 1st $8.00, 2nd $5.00, 3rd $3.00
All hitch teams will receive $30.00. All single hitches will receive $15.00 (if animals are not shown in team hitch).

Class 1 – Halter
(Each animal can only be exhibited in one conformation class 1-10)

1. Mule Foals
2. Donkey Foals
3. Mules, Yearlings and 2-year-olds
4. Miniature Donkey (under 36 inches)
5. Mules under 56”
6. Breeding Jacks
7. Donkey Jennet and Gelding (48 inches and under)
8. Horse mules (over 56 inches, 3 years and older)
9. Molly mules (over 56 inches, 3 years and older)
10. Draft Mules

1st place exhibitors return for Grand and Reserve Champion Donkey
1st place exhibitors return for Grand and Reserve Champion Mule

Class 2 – Jumping

11. Jumping 54 inches and under
12. Jumping over 54 inches

Class 3 – Pleasure

13. Pee Wee Donkey Walk-Trot (rider 10 years and under)
14. Donkey Walk-Trot (rider 11-54 years)
15. Pee Wee Mule Walk-Trot (rider 10 years and under)
16. Mule Walk-Trot (rider 11-54 years)
17. Donkey Walk Trot Sr. (rider 55 years and over)
18. Mule Walk Trot Sr. (rider 55 years and over)
19. Junior Western pleasure (rider 17 and under)
20. Women’s Western Pleasure (rider 18 and over)
21. Men’s Western Pleasure (rider 18 and over)

Class 4 – Hitch

22. 3 or more Hitch (donkey or mule)
23. Single Mule Hitch
24. Single Donkey Hitch
25. 2 up Mule Hitch
26. 2 up Donkey Hitch
27. Junior Hitch (driver 17 years and under)
28. Single Log Skidding
29. Double Log Skidding

Class 5 – Games

30. Pole Weaving Pee Wee (10 years and under)
31. Pole Weaving Jr (11-17 years)
32. Pole Weaving Sr (18 years and over)
33. Keyhole Pee Wee (10 years and under)
34. Keyhole Jr (11-17 years)
35. Keyhole Sr (18 years and over)
36. Barrels Pee Wee (10 years and under)
37. Barrels Jr (11-17 years)
38. Barrels Sr (18 years and over)
39. Egg & Spoon (all ages)
40. Candy Bar Race (10 years and under)
41. Bribe Race (all ages)

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