Thank you for a great fair! Next year's Fair is August 5-10, 2025!

Dept Q: Town and Country Horticulture

Department Q: Town and Country Horticulture
Co-Superintendents: Gloria Aanonson 507-438-7393 and Leland Aanonson
SUBMIT FORMS TO THE FAIR OFFICE (507) 433-1868 in person, mail, or email.
Pre-registration helps us serve you quickly on Entry Day and reduces wait.
Pre-register any Class & Lot you think you may enter – unused tags will be deleted prior to judging.

Sunday 2–6 PM: Drop off large entries, table settings, potted plants, natural wonders (dried).
Monday 9–4:30: Entry Day - as early in the day as possible. Doors close promptly at 4:30 p.m. for judging.
Sunday, Closing day from 6:00 -7:00 PM. EXHIBIT RELEASE & PREMIUM PICK-UP.
Items not picked up may be retrieved the following week during Fair office hours.

General Rules (please read carefully):
1. Entry is open to any resident of Mower County and surrounding counties. Classes are OPEN to all ages, unless listed for YOUTH (Ages 17 and under). Only one entry per Lot unless otherwise noted in the rules. If unsure of the appropriate Class and Lot, please ask or contact the Superintendent or ask on entry day.
2. All entries competing for premiums must be grown and prepared by the exhibitor, and in the current year, unless otherwise specified. Only one entry per household in a Lot, please.
3. Each entry must contain the exact amount or number specified in each Class and Lot, and be displayed on provided trays. Named variety may be added, if known, to the entry tag. More points may be awarded for named specimens.
4. Clean the surface only. Items must not be scrubbed, or the surface texture changed. Follow instructions for display and trimming for each lot.
5. Items showing signs of disease, pests or spoilage will not be judged. Perishable items that spoil may be removed after judging, preserving the ribbon or award in place..
6. The fair staff, volunteers or Fair Board is not responsible for loss or damage to exhibits or containers.
7. Judges’ decisions are final and are based on the entry’s worthiness. Based on the number of entries in a single lot, judges may create sublots for awards (e.g. color, variety).
8. Judges are not required to award ribbons for each place in a Class or Lot. This includes Grand and Reserve Champion ribbons.

Premiums (subject to change): 1st 2nd 3rd
Single specimen lots $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Collections/Arrangements $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
and as noted by Class and Lot.


1. Beacon 6. Honey Gold
2. Duchess 7. McIntosh
3. Fireside 8. Northwest Greening
4. Haralson 9. Sweet Sixteen
5. Honeycrisp 10. Any other variety

Class 2 Crab Apples (10 specimens) [Stems attached; do not polish; no leaves or fruit spurs]
1. Centennial
2. Chestnut
3. Dolgo
4. Whitney
5. Any other variety (Must write the NAME on the printed tag)

Class 3 Plums (5 specimens) [Stems attached]
1. La Crescent
2. Mt. Royal
3. Pipestone
4. Superior
5. Sapa
6. Toka
7. Any other variety (Must write the NAME on the printed tag)

Class 4 Grapes (2 small bunches) [Compact bunches with natural bloom]
1. Grapes any blue variety
2. Grapes any red variety
3. Grapes any white variety
4. Grapes – beta (cross with wild grape)
Class 5 Other Fruits [Mature and market ready]
1. Blackberries – plate of 12 [no stems or cores]
2. Blueberries – plate of 12
3. Ground Cherries – plate of 12
4. Muskmelon or Cantaloupe – 1 specimen
5. Pears – 5 specimens
6. Raspberries, Red – plate of 12 [no stems or cores]
7. Rhubarb, pulled – 3 stalks (with no more than 1 inch of leaf on stalk)
8. Watermelon large – 1 specimen [trim stem 1 inch]
9. Watermelon miniature – 1 specimen
10. Any other fruit – specimen numbers similar to sizes above. (Write NAME on the printed tag)

Class 5A Nuts (Previous Year).
1. Walnuts – in shell – 5 specimens 3. Walnuts – shelled, - small jar (e.g. ½ pint)
2. Hazelnut – shelled – 10 specimens 4. Any other, in or out of shell – 5-10 specimens ……………………………… (Write NAME on the printed tag)

Class 6 Fruit Collections [Each variety presented and labeled appropriately]
1. Apples, 3 or more varieties – 2 specimens of each
2. Crab Apples, 3 or more varieties – 5 specimens of each
3. Berries 3 or more varieties – 5 specimens of each
4. Grapes 3 or more varieties – 1 small bunch each
5. Plums 3 or more varieties – 2 specimens of each
6. Artistic Display of Fruit – 3 or more different varieties

Class 7 Grains – [All samples, except ear corn, to be displayed in1 gallon clear plastic resealable bags]
Crop shown should be from prior year unless specified: Prior year (P) or Current year (C)

1. Winter wheat (P)
2. Oats (P) or (C)
3. Barley (P)
4. Soybeans (P)
5. Shelled corn hybrid (P)
6. Ear corn, dry, hybrid - 5 ears (P)
7. Ear corn, dry, Indian or Rainbow – 5 ears (P)

Class 8 Sheaf grains and grasses - Current year (C)
Sheaf must be compact, 3 inches in diameter at center band. Attractiveness of the sheaf and manner of display will count in judging.

1. Soybeans
2. Clover
3. Oats
4. Alfalfa

Class 9 Other - Current year (C)

1. Baled hay – minimum of 12 inches, tied
2. Tallest stalk of corn [measured from top of soil level by Superintendent at the time of entry]

Class 10 Potatoes [10 specimens per lot – do NOT scrub]

1. Kennebek
2. Norland
3. Red Pontiac
4. Russet
5. Any Fingerling potato (20 specimens)
6. Any other red variety [must be named]
7. Any other white variety [must be named]
8. Any other color [must be named]

Class 11 Sweet Corn [husked, 5 ears per lot]

1. Bicolor sweet corn
2. White sweet corn
3. Yellow sweet corn
4. Any other [must be named]
CULINARY VEGETABLES [Select Class 12 or Class 13 and specify lot]

Class 12 Vegetables - ADULT / OPEN
Class 13 Vegetables - YOUTH Ages 16 and under
Premiums: Single item lots 1st $5.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $3.00
Collections 1st $5.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $3.00
Lot [do not wash except to remove loose soil and follow lot instructions]

1. Beans, climbing - 8 specimens [leave stem attached, no constrictions between seeds]
2. Beans, green - 8 specimens [leave stem attached, no constrictions between seeds]
3. Beans, purple - 8 specimens [leave stem attached, no constrictions between seeds]
4. Beans, wax - 8 specimens [leave stem attached, no constrictions between seeds]
5. Beets - 3 specimens [trim tops to 1-2 inches above crown; leave 1-2 inches of tap root]
6. Broccoli - 1 crown [cut stem 5 to 6 inches from top of head]
7. Cabbage - green flat -1 head [trim stem ¼ to ½ inch below the head; leave 2-3 outside wrapper leaves]
8. Cabbage - green round -1 head [trim stem ¼ to ½ inch below the head; leave 2-3 outside wrapper leaves]
9. Cabbage - red - 1 head [trim stem ¼ to ½ inch below the head; leave 2-3 outside wrapper leaves]
10. Carrots - 3 specimens [trim tops to 1-2 inches above crown; leave 1-2 inches of tap root]
11. Cauliflower - 1 head [cut stems so as to leave 4-5 outer wrapper leaves]
12. Celery -1 bunch [trim base evenly to about 1 inch; remove leaves of stalk until color is uniform]
13. Cucumber, pickling -under 3” long -6 specimens [trim stems evenly to ¼ to ½ inch]
14. Cucumber, pickling - 3” to 5” long - 3 specimens [trim stems evenly to ¼ to ½ inch]
15. Cucumber, slicing, 5” to 10” long - 3 specimens [trim stems evenly to ¼ to ½ inch]
16. Cucumber, seedless/Asian, over 8” long - 3 specimens [trim stems evenly to ¼ to ½ inch]
17. Dill, any variety - 3 specimens [in water]
18. Eggplant, egg shaped - 1 specimen [trim stems 1 ½ to 2 inches]
19. Eggplant, cylindrical - 1 specimen [trim stems 1 ½ to 2 inches]
20. Eggplant, globular - 1 specimen [trim stems 1 ½ to 2 inches]
21. Garlic - 3 specimens [trim roots to ½ inch and trim stems evenly]
22. Gourds, ornamental, small (includes mini pumpkin) - 5 specimens [trim stems 1 ½ to 2 inches]
23. Herbs fresh cut, labeled - 3 even stems [potted herbs may be submitted in Department R]
24. Kohlrabi, any color - 3 specimens [trim leaves on upper 1/3 to 4-6 in.; remove lower leaves & root]
25. Leeks - 3 specimens [trim roots to ½”, trim leaves to uniform length]
26. Onion, green or pulling - 3 specimens [trim roots to ½” do not peel; trim tops 3 inches above the white]
27. Onion, red - 3 specimens [do not peel; trim tops to uniform 1-2 inches; trim roots to ½ inch]
28. Onion, white - 3 specimens [do not peel; trim tops to uniform 1-2inches; trim roots to ½ inch]
29. Onion, yellow - 3 specimens [do not peel; trim tops to uniform 1-2inches; trim roots to ½ inch]
30. Peas, edible pod - 8 specimens [leave stems attached]
31. Peas, garden variety - 5 specimens [leave stems attached]
32. Pepper, hot, red - 3 specimens [trim stems to uniform length ½ to 1 inch]
33. Pepper, hot, yellow - 3 specimens [trim stems to uniform length ½ to 1 inch]
34. Pepper, jalapeno - 3 specimens [trim stems to uniform length ½ to 1 inch]
35. Pepper, hot, any other variety, named - 3 specimens [trim stems to uniform length ½ to 1 inch]
36. Pepper, sweet, green or red - 3 specimens [trim stems to uniform length ½ to 1 inch]
37. Pepper, sweet, yellow - 3 specimens [trim stems to uniform length ½ to 1 inch]
38. Pepper, sweet, any other variety, named - 3 specimens [trim stems to uniform length ½ to 1 inch]
39. Pumpkin, field - 1 specimen [trim stem to 2 inches]
40. Pumpkin, round pie type - 1 specimen [trim stem to 2 inches]
41. Radish - 6 specimens [refrigerate before exhibiting; secure bunch with leaves, roots washed]
42. Root vegetables for table use (i.e. parsnip, rutabaga, turnip) - 3 specimens, named [trim tops to 1-2 inches above crown; leave 2 inches of tap root]
43. Squash, summer, crook neck - 3 specimens of 6” to 8” [trim stem to ½ inch]
44. Squash, summer, zucchini - 3 specimens under 10” [trim stem to ½ inch]
45. Squash, summer, any other variety, named - 3 specimens. [size per named variety, trim stem to ½ inch]
46. Squash, winter, acorn - 1 specimen [leave stem attached, trim to 2 – 3 inches]
47. Squash, winter, buttercup - 1 specimen [leave stem attached, trim to 2 – 3 inches]
48. Squash, winter, butternut - 1 specimen [leave stem attached, trim to 2 – 3 inches]
49. Squash, winter, Hubbard type - 1 specimen [leave stem attached, trim to 2 – 3 inches]
50. Squash, winter, any other variety - 1 specimen [must be named, leave stem attached, trim to 2 – 3 inches]
51. Tomato, mini cherry/grape, cluster type - 1 cluster[show one cluster]
52. Tomato, cherry, over ¾ inch - 6 specimens [uniform size, shape, color; remove stems]
53. Tomato, paste / Roma type - 3 specimens [uniform size, shape, color; remove stems]
54. Tomato, pear, small yellow - 6 specimens [uniform size, shape, color; remove stems]
55. Tomato, red - 3 specimens [uniform size, shape, color; remove stems]
56. Tomato, any other variety (3 or 6) specimens, depending on size [must be named, uniform size, shape, color; remove stems]
57. Any other small vegetable not listed above (less than 4 ½ inches) - 3 specimens [must be named]
58. Any other large vegetable not listed above (more than 5 inches) - 1 specimen [must be named]
59. Garden Creature, created with mostly WHOLE vegetables [Class 13 only – YOUTH – please print age of entrant on printed tag]
60. Largest vegetable – [Please add a label with the variety and a story to go with it]

Class 14 Collections and Arrangements
Premiums: 1st $5.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $3.00

1. Home Garden Collection - Collection showing six kinds of garden produce, artistically arranged, in one box or basket.
2. Culinary Herb Collection – 3 stems each of 5 varieties, labeled (may be fresh or dried)
3. Braided Garlic Rope for drying - minimum 12 inches long
4. Braided Onion Rope for drying - minimum 12 inches long
5. Pepper Ristra, fresh pepper drying - minimum of 12 inches long or wreath form
6. Garden Scarecrow - not to exceed 6 ft. in height (must be able to stand freely).

Please pick up exhibits and premiums Sunday from 6-7:00 PM
or Monday during Fair office hours

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