Dept E: Meat Goats

Department E: MEAT GOATS
Superintendent: Sheila Hemann, 507-438-1906
Entries Close: July 29th, 2024
Entry Fee: $10 per head breeding, $10 market animals
Limit of two animals per class/lot
Arrival time: Saturday, 10am – 2 pm
Weigh in: Saturday, 11:00 am-2 pm
Judging: Saturday, 4:00 pm
Release: 1 hour after the completion of the show.
General Rules:
1. This is an Open Meat Goat Show (Unsanctioned). Meat Goats may be any breed or cross, registered or unregistered. The purpose of this show is to provide an avenue for meat goat producers to exhibit and compare their animals with others in our area, and to get to know one another in a fun, relaxing setting,
2. Bucks will not be shown
3. All animals will be subject to veterinary inspection prior to show. No abscesses, ringworm, sore mouth, or other contagious diseases will be allowed.
4. A certificate of veterinary inspection or interstate health certificate that includes a Scrapie Premise ID number from your state shall accompany all out-of-state animals.
5. MN animals are to be in compliance with the State of MN Board if Animal health Scrapie’s ID Program. For More information or to obtain a premise ID number contact Linsey at 1-866-873-2824 (EXT 30).
6. Age requirements
  • Junior Division – Does under 15 months of age
  • Senior Division - Does 15 months of age and over
  • Market show – Market goats born on or after 12/1/23
7. Pens will be assigned on the north end of the swine barn. Bedding should be brought as none will be provided.
8. Market goats will be split by weight. (Does can be shown in doe or market class).
9. Must have Scrapie Premise ID Number.
10. Judge or superintendent may split lots as necessary
11. All animals should be fitted for the show, including clean ears, nose, tail and around mouth.

Class 1 –Doe’s Fullblood and Purebred, Percentage
1. Junior Kid (Born after March 1, 2024)
2. Senior Kid (Born December 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024)
3. Junior Champion - Ribbon Only
4. Junior Reserve Champion - Ribbon Only
5. Fall Yearling (Born June 1, 2023 to November 30,2023)
6. Junior Yearling (Born March 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023)
7. Senior Yearling (Born December 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023)
8. Yearling Champion - Ribbon Only
9. Yearling Reserve Champion – Ribbon Only
10. Doe Under 2 Years (Born August 2, 2022 to November 30, 2022)
11. Doe 2-4 Years (Born Aug. 1, 2020 thru Aug. 1, 2022)
12. Doe 4 Years and older (Born prior to Aug. 1, 2020)
13. Senior Champion - Ribbon Only
14. Senior Reserve Champion - Ribbon only
15. Grand Champion Meat Breeding Doe

Class 2 – Market Goats

16. Dairy Wether Market
17. Market Wether
18. Champion Market Wether
19. Market Doe
20. Champion Market Doe


Lots 1-2, 5-7, 10-12, 1st $10 2nd $9 3rd $8 4th $7
Lots 3-4, 8-9, 13-14 Ribbon
Lot 15 1st $100 2nd $75
Lots 17-18, 20 1st $15 2nd $14 3rd $13 4th $12
Lots 19, 21 1st $100 2nd $75

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