Superintendents:Ryan Risius 507-440-8762/Blake Risius 507-440-0932-All calls after 5 p.m. for both numbers.
Entry Fee:$10 Pre-registration is suggested by July 29th, 2024
Arrival time: Friday, 10 am
Weigh in: Friday, 1 pm – 3 p.m.
Show Start Time: Friday, August 9 @ 5:00 pm
Release time: Friday, following show, unless animal has been exhibited in 4-H. (4-H animal will be release on Sunday.)
General Rules:
- Midwest Market Hog Show is open to all exhibitors including Mower County 4-H and FFA pigs.
- All hogs must be individually identified.
- This is NOT a terminal show. All Exhibitors will retain ownership. Owners will retain possession after the show. 4-H animals will follow the 4-H guidelines.
- Each exhibitor may enter unlimited barrows and gilts.
- All hogs must weigh between 230 – 300 pounds (NO EXCEPTIONS).
- Barrows and gilts will be shown separately and split by weight into workable classes.
Class 1-Breeding Gilts
Lot 1-Breeding Gilts
Class 2- Market Barrows
Lot 1-Market Barrows
Class 3-Market Gilts
Lot 1- Market Gilts
Class 4-Champions (no entry needed)
Lot 1-Breeding Gilts, Lot 2-Market Barrows, Lot 3- Market Gilts
Premiums for each class 1-3
1st$50 2nd $40 3rd $30 4th $20 5th $15
Champion Barrow Showtimes Banner, $200
Champion Gilt Showtimes Banner, $200
Champion Breeding Gilt Showtimes Banner, $200
Reserve Barrow Showtimes Banner, $100
Reserve Gilt Showtimes Banner, $100
Reserve Breeding Gilt Showtimes Banner, $100